Thursday, November 22, 2012

Chapter 15

Today's topic is Chapter 15 of the book "Regional Landscapes of the United States and Canada" by Stephen Birdsall.  And the chapter is about my home state, California!

Birdsall refers to California as "a state of immigrants." (p. 315) He says, "Although more than two-thirds of native-born Americans live in their state of birth, fewer than half of Californians were born in the state."

Pittsburgh, however, is home to many international immigrants. Pittsburgh's culture is defined by many cultures as many immigrants have settled there. Before 1900, people from Britain, Germany and Scandinavia settled in Pittsburgh. Luckily, there were no major clashes between native and foreign born people. After 1900, because of Pittsburgh's need for labor, people from Slavic Europe, the Baltic States and southern Europe came to Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, this caused some problems between the groups living in Pittsburgh. Those already in Pittsburgh thought "their social standings, customs, and lifestyles were in jeopardy to what they believed were the invading newcomers."

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